Warm Up:
2 Rounds
20 Seconds Toe Touch + Reach to the Sky
Rest 10 Seconds
20 Seconds Single Unders
Rest 10 Seconds
3 Rounds
20 Seconds Up-Downs
Rest 10 Seconds
20 Seconds Double Unders
Rest 10 Seconds
Running Drills / Workout Prep:
4 Sets:
100m run (faster pace each round)
30 Seconds Double Unders
4 x 4:30 Rounds For Reps
800m Run
In remaining time complete as many double unders as possible
Rest 1:30 between Rounds
Time: 22 Minutes
Loading: 1/5
Skill: 4/5
Volume: 3/5
4 x 4:30 Rounds For Reps
600m Run
In remaining time complete as many double unders as possible
Rest 1:30 between Rounds
4 x 4:30 Rounds For Reps
500m Run
In remaining time complete as many single unders as possible
Rest 1:30 between Rounds
Limited Equipment:
4 x 4:30 Rounds For Reps:
800m Run
In remaining time complete as many lateral line hops as possible
Rest 1:30 between Rounds
Movement scaling options:
Run: Distance, Bike (double distance), Row
Double Unders: Attempts, Single Unders
Cool down:
4 Sets:
30 Seconds GHD Sit Up Hold (Parallel)
30 Russian Twist @20/14