Friday October 15, 2021

“You have to lift off the back foot while taking a step forward, or you will not be able to move ahead.” – Richard Chadha

Warm Up: 

2 Sets
10 PVC Pass Throughs
20 Seconds Bottom of Squat Hold
10 PVC Strict Press
10 Air Squats

3 Sets
10 Snatch-Grip Push Press
10 Seated Sots Press

Skill Work:
8 Minutes to Build Up to Starting Weight

7 Sets For Load
1 Snatch

Time: N/A
Loading: 5/5
Skill: 5/5
Volume: 1/5

7 Sets For Load
1 Snatch

7 Sets For Load
3 Snatches

Limited Equipment: 
12 Sets For Load:
2 DB Deadlifts
2 Hang DB Power Snatches
2 DB Overhead Squats

Movement scaling options: 
Snatch: Load, Clean

Cool down: 
5 Sets
20 Seconds Banded Hamstring Stretch / Side
30 Seconds T-Spine Foam Roll