Friday May 28, 2021

“A one hour workout is 4% of your day. No Excuses.” -Anonymous 

9 Minutes for Quality:
60s Machine
14 Alternating Box Step Ups
14 Weight Abmat Sit Ups 
6 Alternating Muscle Snatches
Couch Stretch
Pigeon Pose

GYM WOD:  Fight the Feeling 
5 Rounds: 
Min 1: Wallball @ 20/14
Min 2: DB Snatches  @ 70/50
Min 3: Row 
Min 4: Rest 

Dumbbell Version: 
5 Rounds: 
Min 1: Single DB Thrusters with 2 Hands @ 30/20
Min 2: DB Snatches  @ 70/50
Min 3: Run
Min 4: Rest 

Bulletproof Shoulders: 
5 Rounds: 
Min 1: Waiter Squats @ 53/35
Min 2: SDLHP
Min 3: Row 
Min 4: Rest 

No Equipment:
Min 1: Jumping Squats
Min 2: Odd Object G2OH
Min 3: Burpees 
Min 4: Rest