Warm Up:
30 plate hops
20 alternating shoulder taps (10/side)
15 ground plate-to-overhead
10 counter-balance squats
Specific Warm-Up:
2-3 sets:
5 squat cleans
4 rounds for time:
5 squat cleans (105/155 lb)
20 hand-release push-ups
80 double-unders
Time Cap: 14 Minutes
4 rounds for time:
5 squat cleans (85/115 lb)
15 hand-release push-ups
50 double-unders
4 rounds for time:
5 squat cleans (65/95 lb)
20 hand-release knee push-ups
80 single-unders
Movement scaling options:
Squat clean: Load, hang squat clean, DB squat clean.
Hand release push-ups: Hand-release knee push-up, knee push-up, reps.
Double unders: Reps, single-unders, plate hops, lateral hops over the DB.
Partner option:
4 rounds for time:
5 synchro squat cleans
40 hand-release push-ups
80 double unders
Athletes move to the next movements together.
Athletes perform double-unders each at the same time.
Athletes must meet at the top of the squat clean for it to count.
Split hand-release push-ups as needed.
Post-Workout Skill Work:
1 hang clean (squat or power)