Friday July 16, 2021

“Make a note: Being competitive and being a winner are not the same thing.” -Anonymous

3 Rounds 
10 Cal Row 
5 Power Cleans 
10 Air Squats
5 Push Jerks 
60 Push To Down Dog

Clean and Jerk 2 EMOM x 6

WOD: Snack Bar
3 Rounds:
400M Run| 10 Power Cleans
400M Run| 10 Push Jerks @ 185/135

Time Cap: 20 Minutes 

400M Run: 500M Row or .8 Mile Bike 

Dumbbell Version: 
3 Rounds: 
400M Run | 10 Double DB Power Cleans @ 70/50
400M Run | 10 Push Jerks @ 70/50 

Bulletproof Shoulders:
3 Rounds
400M Run | 10 SDLHP
400M Run | 100 Ft Sled Push @ half Bodyweight

No Equipment: 
3 Rounds
400M Run | 20 Jumping Lunges 
400M Run | 20 HSPU